Meet Our Speakers

Sandra Edmond

Tax Deed & Lien Opportunities


Sandra Edmond is known as the Queen of Tax DeedsĀ®. She has been buying properties at the Tax Deed & Lien auctions since 2004. Her first Florida Tax Deed cost $12,000. She soon sold the property for $49,000 a couple of months later. Sandra is a full time Real Estate Investor. Her experience in the area of tax delinquent properties landed her on a front page article in the Orlando Business Journal and Seminole Woman Magazine. She has made guest appearances on live radio shows and podcasts on the topic. Sandra is a Past President of the Central Florida Realty Investors Association in 2013 & 2014, one of the largest real estate investor associations in the country. Sandra is also the real estate broker owner of Empire Crown Realty, LLC in Central Florida. Prior to real estate investing, Sandra was a television news reporter and fill-in Anchor.


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